»A feeling between shock, grief, and anger; it has to do with my body, with losing control, with memory, the present, with time, powerlessness and outside control,« says photographer Tina Bara of the moment she saw a catalogue of Spanish artist Dora Garcia on her colleague’s desk. »I recognised the photograph, I had become a nude cover girl.« »I« in this case meaning a nude young woman with a black bar covering her eyes. For her work »Rooms, Conversations« Garcia had used several photos from the STASI archives, and incidentally a picture of Bara was selected as the cover of her catalogue. What was a random STASI photo of a nude woman with obscured eyes to Garcia, to Bara was her life. With »Covergirl: Wespen-Akte« Tina Bara and Alba d’Urbano present an artistic reply to Garcia’s catalogue; a reply which reveals the story of the photographs.
Covergirl: Wespen-Akte

Leipzig September, 2019
ISBN: 9783944669151
Edition Number: 1
Width: 16 cm
Length: 23 cm
Language(s): English, German
Tina Bara, Alba d’Urbano
Susanne Richwien, Nicolas Reichelt
Tina Bara, Alba d’Urbano
Tina Bara

Covergirl: Wespen-Akte
Geschichte(n) eines Bildes, eine Erzählung
Tina Bara/Alba d’Urbano

296 pp.
thread-sewn paperback
Leipzig September, 2019
ISBN: 9783944669151
Edition Number: 1
Width: 16 cm
Length: 23 cm
Language(s): English, German
Tina Bara, Alba d’Urbano
Susanne Richwien, Nicolas Reichelt
Tina Bara, Alba d’Urbano
Tina Bara