The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation is dedicating a comprehensive exhibition to the impressive work of the artist, graphic artist and experimental filmmaker Kurt Kranz, who studied at the Dessau Bauhaus from 1930 to 1932. A unique oeuvre of serial works made Kranz, who would have celebrated his onehundreths birthday this year, a pioneer of generative and multiple arts in the 1960s. At the Bauhaus, Kranz had studied with teachers such as László Moholy-Nagy, Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Walter Peterhans and Joost Schmidt. Their experimental teaching had a lasting influence. "Programming Beauty" - the title of this portfolio of 16 large-format panels - is borrowed from Max Bense's book of the same name, in which the philosopher and founder of information-theoretical aesthetics wrote about programmed computer graphics. Max Bense, a friend of Kranz saw in Kranz's work the "pedagogical effect" as an outstanding strategy "i.e. education for the free but conscious selection of means, the actual core of creative action."
Die Programmierung des Schönen

Leipzig March, 2011
ISBN: 9783940064110
Edition Number: 1
Width: 29.9 cm
Length: 42.2 cm
Christian Hiller, Philipp Oswalt
Kurt Kranz
Müller & Wesse, Stephan Müller

Die Programmierung des Schönen
Kurt Kranz/Christian Hiller/Philipp Oswalt

Portfolio with 16 plates
Leipzig March, 2011
ISBN: 9783940064110
Edition Number: 1
Width: 29.9 cm
Length: 42.2 cm
Christian Hiller, Philipp Oswalt
Kurt Kranz
Müller & Wesse, Stephan Müller