Im Krankenhaus (In Hospital) —a photo book edited by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung—was published in 1993. It was the last book to be designed by Otl Aicher, and the photographs by Timm Rautert were considered groundbreaking. Twenty-five years on the foundation once again invited photographers to take pictures inside the Alfried Krupp Hospital. Ludwig Kuffer, Andreas Langfeld, and Elisabeth Neudörfl have produced images of a high-tech and tightly functioning work environment, whose focus is still centred on people serving people. Their pictures are accompanied by texts of different types, be it essayistic (Hanna Engelmeier), literary (Thomas Hettche), or scientific (Armin Nasseh). The authors address a variety of themes: the hospital as a specific location; notions of illness and death; and the relationship between hospitals and society.
Im Krankenhaus

Leipzig April, 2018
ISBN: 9783959051637
Edition Number: 1
Width: 25 cm
Length: 32.5 cm
Language(s): German
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen
Nicola Reiter
Hanna Engelmeier, Thomas Hettche, Armin Nassehi
Ludwig Kuffer, Andreas Langfeld, Elisabeth Neudörfl

Im Krankenhaus
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen

220 pp.
with 55 black-white and 160 colour illustrations
hardcover, cloth binding
Leipzig April, 2018
ISBN: 9783959051637
Edition Number: 1
Width: 25 cm
Length: 32.5 cm
Language(s): German
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen
Nicola Reiter
Hanna Engelmeier, Thomas Hettche, Armin Nassehi
Ludwig Kuffer, Andreas Langfeld, Elisabeth Neudörfl