In fall of 2007 the austrian photographer Michael Höpfner started the project »Outpost of Progress« on an eight-week walking journey over the southern Chang Tang Platau. The Chang Tang high steppe area is part of the Tibet Autonomous Region and was until recently primarily inhabited by Drogpa nomads. The series of black and white photos and the travel diary notes in this book were created on this trip and describe an area which exists only as white spots on the map. »Two days ago I hit a paved road I was surprised. There is no road in any of my descriptions or rudimentary maps. Perhaps the road was constructed within the last few months. I am following this track, built by a bulldoser in the thin tundra surface until I stop on a ridge. I look down onto a broad valley and a settlement.« (From the travel diary notes by Michael Höpfner)
Outpost of Progress

Leipzig May, 2011
ISBN: 9783940064141
Edition Number: 1
Width: 33.8 cm
Length: 23.4 cm
Language(s): English, German
Michael Höpfner
Helmut Völter

Outpost of Progress
Michael Höpfner

104 pp.
with numerous illustrations
thread-sewn paperback
Leipzig May, 2011
ISBN: 9783940064141
Edition Number: 1
Width: 33.8 cm
Length: 23.4 cm
Language(s): English, German
Michael Höpfner
Helmut Völter