The question how attitudes and content can be distributed in printed form has played an important role in the architectural context for several years now. Printed matter establishes nodes between different disciplines, small places for exchange. But what exactly makes a zine an A Zine, or Architectural Zine? And why are today’s architects increasingly publishing their own books, posters, and small volumes? Christian Hoffelner explores in five essays and in interviews with Jesko Fezer, Benjamin Sommerhalder, Dietmar Steiner, Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, and Urs Lehni various aspects of printed matter related to architecture.
A Zine

Leipzig June, 2012
ISBN: 9783940064530
Edition Number: 1
Width: 16 cm
Length: 23 cm
Language(s): German
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio

A Zine
Aspekte architekturrelevanter Drucksachen: Das Phänomen Eigenverlag in gestaltenden Disziplinen
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio

188 pp.
with illustrations
Leipzig June, 2012
ISBN: 9783940064530
Edition Number: 1
Width: 16 cm
Length: 23 cm
Language(s): German
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio
Hoffelner, Christian / CH Studio