It all starts with a refusal: »We will no longer eat the sausages of truth they fry for us,« Wolfram Lotz proclaims in his programmatic »Speech on the Theatre of the Impossible« of 2010. Since then, the young playwright has served us with a range of tasty alternatives. In his monologues a Somalian pirate graduate defends himself before the regional court in Hamburg (»to ease matters I shall address you in German«), a certain German politician, Thilo Sarrazin, seeks to define »the anus as the main genital« and mother Lotz worries about her stuttering Wolfi. »Monologe« is the first book by Wolfram Lotz and also marks the start of a new series. Volte, associated with the literary magazine EDIT, is a periodical dedicated to the wealth of literary forms beyond the novel and will present short fiction, essays and dramatic writing by various authors.

Leipzig October, 2014
ISBN: 9783944669106
Edition Number: 1
Width: 11 cm
Length: 18 cm
Language(s): German
Jörn Dege, Mathias Zeiske
Wolfram Lotz, Hannes Becker
Studio Matthias Görlich

Volte #1
Wolfram Lotz/Jörn Dege/Hannes Becker/Mathias Zeiske

96 pp.
paperback with jacket
Leipzig October, 2014
ISBN: 9783944669106
Edition Number: 1
Width: 11 cm
Length: 18 cm
Language(s): German
Jörn Dege, Mathias Zeiske
Wolfram Lotz, Hannes Becker
Studio Matthias Görlich